Thursday, June 17, 2010


It's been quite a while since my last post. Things got pretty hectic with law school finals, work, training, and so forth. But it's been a great couple months and things are moving along on the training front.

We've started doing open water swims at Lake Nokomis and it's been a bit of a shock. It's a lot different from swimming in the pool. First, running into the cold water isn't as fun as slipping in to the heated pool. Second, there is a ridiculous wall of weeds we must swim through before getting to the area where we circle buoys for 30+ minutes. I've also had some trouble with "sighting." Since you can barely see your hands in front of you, you need to periodically look up to make sure you're still on track in the course. I have been tending to veer off left a bit, so I'm working on that.

Last weekend I went for a 45 mile bike ride with Steve. We went down to Faribault and rode the trail down there to Elysian. And of course, we had to stop for an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen on the way back.

I've also realized that my running training needs to increase because I have yet to go over 3 miles, and it's going to be especially difficult when transitioning from biking to running.

As for fundraising, I'm still a couple hundred dollars short of my fundraising minimum with only about a week left before the deadline. Hopefully I'll have some last minute donations coming in from people who have said they were going to donate but haven't yet.

Less than a month til the race! Time for countdown!

Monday, March 29, 2010

It's been a while...But there's exciting news!

Sorry about such the long break between posts - but first I was in Australia for about 10 days and I've been trying to get caught up on sleep and work ever since returning. However, I was very fortunate to arrive back from the "down under" to a number of online and mailed donations!

So today marks the beginning of our new training schedule, and that's a good thing for me! Previously most of the swimming trainings were on Tuesday nights, which conflicted with one of my school courses. But now we'll be swimming on Monday nights and so I will finally be able to attend my second team swim training.

The big exciting news is that there is a new member joining the triathlon mom! She has decided to take on this challenge and will be attempting to do the short distance Life Time Triathlon. It will be interesting since this is the first TNT event where I won't have her cheering me on from the side lines, but hopefully with the event being in Minneapolis there will be plenty of other friendly faces along the course.

It's also great that the weather is starting to get better and soon I'll be up for outdoor cycle and running trainings! Because as much as I prefer to run outside over a treadmill, I refuse to run when there is still ice out. And as a supplement to my normal training, in April I will be running the Race for Justice 5K with a number of my law school peers.

Well that's all for now - thanks to everyone for their support!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Over half-way to my fundraising goal!

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated - I am now over half-way to meeting my fundraising goal of $2300! The TNT fundraising page currently only shows 17% but that is because there is a delay in the check donations getting posted to the site. I am so grateful for all the support people have shown in this fight for a cure!

This week I tried something new on the training front - a class called BodyFlow at the YMCA. It is a combination of tai chi, pilates, and yoga. I definitely learned I could use some work on my flexibility and balance, so I plan on going again. However, it will have to wait a couple weeks because tomorrow I head off with my mom to Australia for Spring Break! Hopefully snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef counts as a "swim" training :-)